Casual Leave :
Purpose of Casual Leave : Casual Leave is granted to enable a
government servant to attend to sudden/unforeseen needs/tasks.
Present - No of
Casual Leaves
Casual Leave
No of Casual Leaves per year
Central Government Employees
8 days
Industrial Workers
10 days
Defence Officers
20 days
Defence PBORs
30 days
11 to 13 days
Demand :
Demands have been made to
increase the number of CL to 15 days for Industrial Workers and 12 days for
other employees. CAPFs have also sought parity with defence forces in matters
of Casual Leave.
7th Pay Commission
Recommendations :
Regarding the number of Casual
Leave, the Commission is of the view that the present system is working well
and need not be altered. As far as the case of CAPFs for parity with defence
forces is concerned, the Commission notes that CAPFs are essentially civilian
forces and their service conditions are different from defence forces. Hence
parity in terms of number of casual leave cannot be considered. To sum up,
status quo is recommended